"Supermarket Dominium" 2nd draft completed

It is a big move forward to its production. The world said it did not want it,  but my heart said it should be produced.  I had the gut feeling, or some sort of bug inside of me saying it should be released. Even though the world rejected my first two books (well most of you out there).

I have what you call the itch. I am addicted to publishing books. I am just trying now how to produce them cost effectively, without going in the hole this time.

I need to write the synopsis for the book. A small introduction or preface, into the gist of the internals. The ironic parts of it all as it relates to this real world.

Also today, I went into the Bathurst High School library. I seen they were getting ready to move allot of old books out, as their shelves were empty. They would be ordering a pile of newer books to replace the older ones. I asked the librarian if she would like to have free copies of mine. She said at the moment, she could not take them, as she would be afraid they would be mistakenly taken away with the old books. I then walked towards two young students who were working away at their studies. I tossed them each one book of the series. I told them they could share the other after they get done with the first. They thanked me, and checked over the cover and what not.

I then went over to the Bathurst Regional Library, and gave two copies to be placed in their humor section. It will be interesting enough, to see who will go there and check out my books over a period of time.

But, nothing turns fast in the book world. Especially for this guy. I will be patient, as Part 3 still needs a third reading and then a major editing. Then production, and to decide whether to go with a sole E Book or a real paperback and e book versions.

Please time, give me some time.. Till next time..


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