Book cover drawn out for Supermarket Dominium

Part 3 of The Supermarket Guy: Supermarket Dominiums book cover is now drawn out.

It just needs to be all colored in now. This will take another day tomorrow, possibly, if I get the time. Today time was short for me once again. Night shifts took a toll on the body, and I slept probably half of the day today.

The first original book cover in my mind was to place the 3 main characters in the desert. There in the background, a nuclear weapon is blown up creating a sandstorm. The two heroes shown in the desert sand, gasping for water, and hallucinating. The main villain triumphant with his arms raised to the sky, pressing a button detonating it. This cover idea has been placed into the waste paper basket, as the newer cover includes a scene from the book. A humorous one at that,  in order to try to spark more interest for the book itself and the series.

As I feel I perhaps missed with my last two book covers. This one should be quite a bit better. I hope.

This is what brought about the thinking to change the original book cover. I had a rough sketch of the first one drawn out. I realized it was very hard to make it funny. And I decided, it is a humor book after all. I should make the cover funny. So then I went through the whole book in my mind. Trying to decide which page would fit on a cover. Somewhere 1/2 way through the book, I got the idea for the cover. Maybe other scenes could have done just as well or even better, but this one had a certain fatality to it and mystery as well. So far, unless nothing creeps up in my mind tonight, it is what I will go with.

I kept the same wording or title as Parts 1 and 2. It did not take me all that long to draw it out. I was surprised to see how decently it did turn out. It is the first time I drew it out on paper, without a light sketch underneath or anything like that. I did photocopy some of the titles in case I made a tremendous mistake in drawing things out, but this was not required, luckily enough.

I am very much content with this book cover. Now the color schemes, will be tricky enough. I do not like to use the same color schemes as my other two books. I will try to get away from the light blue, and the charcoal smoke of the second part. It should be, very much, different.

Till next time..


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