George Jones is now a Legend
He was called "The Living Legend" of country music. Now he has past with the rest of the Legends.
My opinion of the man, as any fan would have, would place him up their with Johnny Cash and Elvis Presley in the American music stream of greats. Frank Sinatra once called him "The second best singer in America", after him. George Jones had an incredible baritone voice, and with no effort at all he could sing a wide range of slow and upbeat songs.
These are my top ten George Jones songs.
1. He stopped loving her today- On many country music sites, this song is either # 1 of all time, or in the top 5.
2. The Corvette Song- A fast, upbeat song comparing a car to a woman.
3. Someday My Day will come- It is a tiring path we stumble through ( don't we all, but in the end his castles won't be made of sand) a true song of renewal and hope.
4. I'm not Ready Yet- A man sings about how he is always going to leave his wife, but he is not ready yet.
5. Aged 20 years in 5- Hard drinking can age you 20 years in 5.
6. Tennessee Whiskey- Comparing his wife to his hard addiction to alcohol
7. Good year for the Roses- A man reflecting upon his wife who has left him.
8. The Grand tour- A tour of a lonely house, that once was home sweet home, after his wife took everything he had
9. Choices- A great song, maybe about the singer himself.
10. If drinking don't kill me- Her memory will. The bars are all closed. It is four in the morning. Where is your wife..
Once again, all these songs are powerful in each and every way. With over 150 songs on the charts, I am sure I missed many great songs that I could not fit into my personal top ten.
These were songs that me and my friends listened to, even during the very height of the Madonnas, Jackson, Springsteen, and Collins. In our late teens, we would get together, have a few drinks and try to mimic one of the greatest voices of all time. The thing is, his songs are stories, about real life. Not a pile of music churned out just to sell.
And as I sit here, I wonder "Who is gonna fill their shoes", or his shoes, with his great compilation of country music over the years.
He sure entertained us, with that magical voice. I was glad I seen him twice in my lifetime, once in his mid 60s and the last time he was in his middle 70s. I must say, the first time I seen him sing in his 60s he sounded just as good as on the record. The last time in concert in his mid 70s, I could tell he lost his touch a little bit, but when he sang "He Stopped Loving her Today", it was as if I was hearing him on CD, or even better.
I know there will be a movie about this man someday. I know his hits will live on forever.
Till next time..
My opinion of the man, as any fan would have, would place him up their with Johnny Cash and Elvis Presley in the American music stream of greats. Frank Sinatra once called him "The second best singer in America", after him. George Jones had an incredible baritone voice, and with no effort at all he could sing a wide range of slow and upbeat songs.
These are my top ten George Jones songs.
1. He stopped loving her today- On many country music sites, this song is either # 1 of all time, or in the top 5.
2. The Corvette Song- A fast, upbeat song comparing a car to a woman.
3. Someday My Day will come- It is a tiring path we stumble through ( don't we all, but in the end his castles won't be made of sand) a true song of renewal and hope.
4. I'm not Ready Yet- A man sings about how he is always going to leave his wife, but he is not ready yet.
5. Aged 20 years in 5- Hard drinking can age you 20 years in 5.
6. Tennessee Whiskey- Comparing his wife to his hard addiction to alcohol
7. Good year for the Roses- A man reflecting upon his wife who has left him.
8. The Grand tour- A tour of a lonely house, that once was home sweet home, after his wife took everything he had
9. Choices- A great song, maybe about the singer himself.
10. If drinking don't kill me- Her memory will. The bars are all closed. It is four in the morning. Where is your wife..
Once again, all these songs are powerful in each and every way. With over 150 songs on the charts, I am sure I missed many great songs that I could not fit into my personal top ten.
These were songs that me and my friends listened to, even during the very height of the Madonnas, Jackson, Springsteen, and Collins. In our late teens, we would get together, have a few drinks and try to mimic one of the greatest voices of all time. The thing is, his songs are stories, about real life. Not a pile of music churned out just to sell.
And as I sit here, I wonder "Who is gonna fill their shoes", or his shoes, with his great compilation of country music over the years.
He sure entertained us, with that magical voice. I was glad I seen him twice in my lifetime, once in his mid 60s and the last time he was in his middle 70s. I must say, the first time I seen him sing in his 60s he sounded just as good as on the record. The last time in concert in his mid 70s, I could tell he lost his touch a little bit, but when he sang "He Stopped Loving her Today", it was as if I was hearing him on CD, or even better.
I know there will be a movie about this man someday. I know his hits will live on forever.
Till next time..