"Supermarket Dominium" 1/2 spell checked.

It is a simple process. Just letting the computer do its spell check, again. After the 2nd draft. I am midway through.

Then I will print it off and try to get it read this weekend. Even during the spell check, things are even more fine tuned to get out a few bugs still found in the text.

I am sure I could read through it many times, and add many more lines and dialogue as it comes to mind. It is amazing how these things just pop into your mind. You sit there reading your own stuff, and realize all of a sudden that it makes more sense this way or it achieves more of an affect in a different way. Trying to maximize the humor potential of the scenes or situations.

I need to try to find an editor close to home. I asked at a local high school, and they could not give me any direction. Next step is to ask the local book store owner if they know any great editors in the local area.

At the high school, I was thinking I could get an English professor but this did not pan out. Well, I will continue on my own journey of correcting until it is complete.

I need to once again get the synopsis and cover all done. Maybe this weekend if the time permits. Lately, time has come at a premium.

I would like to thank my viewers from Russia, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the USA who have been coming on here quite a bit as of late. If you want to leave any comments, please feel free to do so. I would love to hear from you what you think of this blog, and what are your thoughts on my writings. Did you read my material?  Thanks..


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