2nd draft done on "Supermarket Dominium"

I am glad that I finally finished the second draft of "Supermarket Dominium"  with spell check gone through for many errors.

Today I went to try to find a local editor. Someone who can proofread it for grammar, mistakes, and flow.

I got a call from a local library, whereas I asked about earlier if the workers there knew of any editing people around the small city of Bathurst. They did not know, nor did the local bookstore there.  The call came to notify me of someones book release in Beresford.

It was an elderly woman of 77 years of age. Her book was in french, and there was a line up to get her book. A steady line up, might I add. It made me think of how I was missing out, in not having my own book translated and printed in French. She was selling the book for 20 dollars a piece. It was a 220 page book, approximately.

When I got to her, I said "Felicitations" in French. She asked where I resided, and such, and said she was overwhelmed with the response today for her book. As I said, there was a steady flow of people that came in to buy her book. I waited in a line up for 10 minutes at least, and this was at the near end of the event.

There they had someone from Montreal on how to self publish. I did talk to members of a local reading and author group, who said they would try to find an English editor for me. I gave this person my e mail, but this late at night and I got no response so far.

I must say to see the look on the old ladies face, when I bought her book was quite a thing to see. I could see she felt excited, and she blushed as I placed down the money for her book. Her reaction took me by surprise as well, as it brought back feelings of how I felt when I made the first few sales of my own book. I felt a tremendous amount of joy after buying the book, just to see the look of gladness on her blushing face.

Till next time...


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