What goes through an authors mind at Christmas?

Well, right now, what is going through my mind is the tale of two roads. Like Robert Frost's poem. I took the less travelled. And that made all the difference. I think that is true.

Reflecting on my 4 books, which could very well be 5 if economic conditions permit, I have mixed emotions on that. I just recieved a 3 on 5 rating from someone somewhere in the world. I consider that very good, and am very satisfied.

I am thinking of the critics. My book covers were not good enough. I thought they were better than 90 % of the covers out there. I created them, afterall, by hand. How many authors draw out their covers on the front of their books. Maybe 1 %.  I think the obvious rarity of that would make my books very special.

Part 5 as well, has a specifically drawn out cover. Maybe the best I have ever done. I was going to just publish it out in white, not even color it out, due to the beginnings of it all. But, I realize, I should color it out one day. But at least the cover is done.

This Christmas, I think about lost opportunities. I think about connections not made. I think about lost connections. What if, or so, that or which if I made a different turn that way. Too late.

Carry on. I wish all readers a very Merry Christmas, knowing love, then family and friends are the most important thing we have here. Success should be a second or even, third element of our lives. So I cannot really care a tad about my books right now. Family, is # 2. Love, is # 1. Visit, show up, bake something, care for a stranger you do not know. Love. For a stranger?  Is the number one thing to show humanity this Christmas.

Till next time...


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