Christmas time pause

Not quite like Christmas past. This Christmas, there is no work on the book front.

Part 5 is put away in a safe place. Its bytes and bites not yet given the order to execute. Not yet given the task to go out and find its way out into the universe.

Maybe always left in the vault, never to be found for eternity. If I should pass tomorrow, then the book would probably be placed into the garbage bin. Or, one of my family may publish it if they found the time to put it out there. No. Probably won't happen.

There are unknowns in our passage of time. The past is a time to reflect on with the present, to tidy or improve, or to forget and to move on. In the world of books, some books make it. Some books do not. Some need help. Some need allot of help. Some need, no help.

Part 5 will remain locked for a long time, pending any sort of Christmas Miracle. Its creation is not warranted. It is not yet needed. Will it ever be needed. Probably not. The world can certainly get along well without it, as was proven with the last 4 books of the series.

For now, there is no inkling at all in my spirit to produce Part 5. I feel deserted. I feel rejected at times. I just feel lonely on the book front. I will be fine.

Same as a young kid playing sports, who finds their peers playing better than them. You want to quit. Maybe the coach is not giving you enough playing time. Does bad things to your personality. Your demeanor becomes a pit of sadness. You wonder if things will pick up. If or ever.

Well, guess what. You have to continue on. Never give up. Never say die. Life is too precious to say another avenue cannot do something different for you... Cause it is important to try. Everyone wants you to succeed at something, even if it is something else someday, some-  time..

Till next time.


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