No money in the till to produce Part 5. Will wait it out.

Well, Part 5 is just about done. A few more proofreading as mentioned below. The color scheme for the book cover is doing well.

Thing is, the money has run dry. The funding is out, having needing money for Christmas, and other unforseen expenses that added up heavily this past two months.

The book will see the shelf, and will decide after January or February in the new year, whether to produce or not if things go well.

Everybody who works a normal 9 to 5 job goes through economic difficulties at one time or another. Sports can cost allot of money. A cut in overtime, can cost allot of money. Having to pay for care for another in the family, can cost allot of money. Medication, sadly enough. The list goes on, and on.

The tank is empty. The ability to produce this work, is at a standstill for now. More important things to do at the moment. Family expenditures, came about heavily this fall.

Today I watch the snow fall here in New Brunswick on a grass that is unwilling to give up its green color. I know how that feels... Sort of.

Till next time.


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