Forgot about that but had the time to put in in there....

Part 5. I forgot about that happening in Part 1,  and about that happening on my Blog, yes, my Blog! Put it there in Part 5!

Well, the book is complete as I can get it. Another proof read. Fine tuning. Maybe more descriptive here and there, take out the slack, tighten up on the sails. Let her sail towards the horizon!

Oh, but still, no money in the till!  Humor still languishing, books not selling! Will wait it out. Money is not what it was way back when. Perhaps will focus on a paperback version on Part 4.

Part 4 was magnificient in my view. It was, a super book. Perhaps lack of financing for advertising, did me in. I did garner a 5 on 5 from Readers Choice independent book review. I did the best summer Ebook award from Apple Literary Awards....

Appears not good enough to sell. Hey, if I cannot sell with the latter two results, then something is definitely blowing in the wrong direction against my sails. Enough to say, Give up!

Well, I never give up. I never will say defeat. In any authors mind, our books are great, and that is it! But, in my case judge and jury, I had great reviews anywhere I went. Won a book contest! Just the cost does not warrant the efforts.... I have lost at the box office...

Well, I continue on.. Part 4,  lets focus on the paperback. Part 5.... You are on the shelf... But nearly complete.. Give or take a proof read.. And if the money resources come about....

Till next time...


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