Book cover concept just needs coloring.

Book cover is just about complete. The main character swinging from a ceiling fan. The dysfunctional family together, having no fun. The house, mice running around, the house in poor shape. Inside and out.

Really, perhaps the best book cover ever. And completed without the many revisions that had occured in previous works.

The hardest time I had ever had with a book cover was Part 3. Just the dimensions, the aircraft, the loading dock extension in mid air, trying to place everything on the page. Probably could have used more time and better placement. But, it appeared to be good at the time. I still believe it did the job.

As typical, the cover does show a bit what goes on inside the book. A few shadows of the turned pages.

Well, the coloring should go fast enough. That usually takes a few hours. Had difficulty at times with the production companies in placing my cover on the book. The 8 and a half by 11 does not fit usually a downsized pocket book. Wrap around is used. Not fun. We will see if I can change that.

Now, to continue with the proofreading.  Then, to find the dollars to produce it... Not sure if it should be produced before Christmas...

Till next time...


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