Book cover coming along great!

The book cover for Part 5 is coming along great. Need fillers here and there, but the basic concept is there. The main character is on the top center. The other main characters are there.

Photocopy, the title. Photocopy, as things get better in case I make mistakes. More photocopies as things get more and more further along. It is looking good.

Realization afterwords, that perhaps economics will come into play in producing Part 5. Will have to wait, until things clear on the horizons. A self publishing operation is by no means a money maker. Millions of self publishing people will tell you this story.

I have to wait, until things get better on the economic front here at home, before producing this book. I was actually in better financial position to produce this last year. The unexpected happens, slight of sight, perhaps, not having focus at matters at hands sometimes...

Oh well. See what will happen in November. Relatives tell me of GoFundMe site. Maybe that is an alternative. Not sure. See how it is set up. I still had problems in producing the hard copy of Part 4. Could not justify throwing money at a book that would not sell. But, not having it in hard copy, severely hampered its chances at going at any speed whatsoever at people having it at their fingertips.

Well, the e book version, is the only version, disposible at me for at a good, fair price. It may be the case again. At least in E book version form, it gets out there. But, I cannot enjoy the variety of contests, the extra chances at a book at having a little bit extra gusto to get into a persons hands...

For now, I continue to work at it. E book version, possible. Hard copy, not so sure..

Till next time...


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