Free loader Billionaire Harold Wannapus tries to climb Mount Everest on the cheap!

"The time. The time. We need to beat the time! I know we can climb Mount Everest in a 5 hrs, half the time of the so called experts!  If we use Google maps, take an extra battery and a few hot bricks, I am sure we can make it!" Harold triumphantly yelled at his cohorts.

Pete smiled "Yes, but we must use light weight oxygen masks made from tough horse hide! Food, we should just take with us sucralose, or corn syrup! It is high in energy and easy to carry! A box of pancake batter to boot!"

Steve who had the most common sense of all of the three adventurers, nodded "Yes, oxygen tanks. But costly, I am sure our rich friend Harold here, does not mind spending that cold hard cash. Pancakes, we will have to take up a bunsun burner. I was thinking of using an incinerator to burn our waste and create heat, to cook our food. But that is expensive too!"

Harold cringed at the idea of spending any money on the journey "I have heard that the without oxygen journey record is 20 hrs or so. I say, we can still do it in 5 without the oxygen, in our lamb suits and with using some cheap welding glass shields to keep the glare of the sun out of our eyes!"

Pete yelled "No oxygen! Is there something like 33 % oxygen at the top! We will never make that time, unless you want to bring a whip and beat the living daylights out of your two buddies here, to haul you up the side of the mountain!"

Harold paused "Use you guys as mountain goats? Well, that will save us even more money, Pete! Please, keep the positive feedback coming! Excrement incinerators? Too expensive. I say we bring a bunch of charcoal bricks in our pockets, and do it the old fashioned way! I got a cigarette lighter at home, half full of fuel, I am sure..."


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