Harold Wannapus says goodbye to a real trooper of a worker!

You came in every morning at exactly the right time! You made coffee out of the same coffee grinds. Even though our share prices went through the roof, you were an exceptional goof!

I loved it when you worked overtime and we charged you for straight!
You never really checked out your time sheet at the gate!

Our company saved money through gluing pencil shavings in the right direction,
who ever thought they would pass our inspection,

You sweated in cotton chairs,
with your bum smell in the air,

we knew we could not get our body odor out of them,
but you had lots of flair,

What will we do now that you are gone,
is all that is left in the staff refrigerator will be left alone?

You left your moldy sandwiches there,
as if they were,
an algae wasteland of delight,
you left there for us to see,

Oh but who is me!

Now you leave for a job overseas,
how can we ever repay those fees,
when you overcharged hotel and flights,
on business nights,

to try to promote our brand,
you tried to give us a helping hand!

Well, thanks allot,

I hope you rot,

Never come back,

that sore one you claimed to portray,
was just an attempt at a Shakespeare play,
so empty your desk,
go away!

A poem by Harold Wannapus, The Suuuppper  Market Guy!  Read my books and gain wisdom!


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