Merry Christmas to all my fans and readers!

Merry Christmas to all my fans and readers on this blog. With over 13000 hits, is a number that I thought I would never achieve.

Thanks for those who picked up my book, who gave it a look! Thanks for those who shared this Blog, and made a visit every now and then.

Sometimes when away, or working my real job, it took me away much from the work on here.

I went in different directions, talking about the book process, talking about life and its real world situations that apply to everybody, poetry, pictures, some dry stuff, cartoons, and now some insane stories... Much like what you would find in my 3 books...

All of these changes were made to try to spark your interest, and to keep you coming in for a visit. The New Year will determine what is next...

Merry Christmas to all! 


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