Canada post announces a 1 $ stamp and the elimination of house to house service.

Canada's Post hiking of the regular postage stamp of 1 $ a stamp on envelopes, was a little drastic news today. I did expect them cancelling the door to door service, as for the help them eliminate jobs. This may be in the ball park figure of 6000 jobs...

Here is the CBC link :

While living in the rurals, I had no door to door service at any rate. I had to go to a community mailbox, which is what now the rest of the country ( the cities) will have to do. This will result in the downsizing of 6000 jobs, resulting in 6000 less people paying into their pension plans. This will be an enormous kick to the pants, and the union (dues), and the Canadian City economies.

While I can understand the community mailbox thing ( my parents are seniors and have to get their mail by a community mailbox),  the senior citizen problem is one that is overlooked in the rural areas anyways. Seniors are usually always forgotten about when cuts come a calling. I can understand their pain, as they closed a local bank in my parents area as well. If they are used to rural driving, then the city drive is now a taxi one.

Then people say we are saving on "paper".  Isn't paper being recycled, these days?  I know I recycle my paper. My workplace recycles our paper. Pulp mills have closed all the way around us... Especially in Atlantic Canada, for cheaper labor plants in the 3rd world, or emerging markets.

I would like to see the paper costs vs. the technology costs of 1. Each and every one of us owning a computer 2. Pollution involving plastics in producing computer, Cell phones, rare earth metals, so on and so forth. 3. The servers, the lines, the costs of support network (s)/ servers, hardware, to all this stuff.  I bet it would overwhelm any paper costs.. 4. Your computer only lasts so long-  A new one, when?  And, a new antivirus program as well... Ect, ect.. Oh the software costs- Microsoft has how many employees by itself- 100 000?  Google? Yahoo? ect ect... The energy to make all this stuff.. and then to supply it.. Your computer has to be plugged in... So does your cell phone... Stupendous.

Alas, but we are here in the gadget world. Everyone has a cellphone... Well, I do too. My family has quite a few.. Your son may have a few. The new world has trillion dollar internet, support, software, hardware expenses... Eroding away is the old world industries, paper, newspaper, and post office...

All I know, is that a dollar for a postage stamp is a little too high. This will result in even less mail being sent, and more people sending e mails through the wires.. If one thing I can say, is that the privacy over the snail mail network will never be replicated. You do not know if or when your e mail, info, can be intercepted through servers all along the way.. Fast as it is, it is unknown as to how private it really is...

Are we really advancing....  In life...

Till next time...


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