Another 4 on 5 star rating and review for "The Supermarket Guy" today!

The reviews are slow coming... But, it is another 4 on 5 rating for Part 1 of the series. The most successful book out of the 3 volumes, so far.

Part 1 has only Garnered 1 - 3 on 5 review so far, out of 7 reviews on total. I am thankful this book did very well, and it only reinforces the point that it is a really great, easy, interesting and fun read.

Besides that, my Part 3 came back again with the same error. This will be the third time at correcting an insertion I wanted in the book. This is very frustrating for yours truly, and I nearly blew my top the other night when it come back, not corrected, as I would have wanted. But, we all need second chances in life.. Alright, some of us need 3 chances or more.. I will wait another 2 weeks to see if it will be corrected...  My patience is wearing thin, as it should have been corrected a month ago.

Just call me the bearer of bad luck...

Till next time..


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