Those four nasty errors have been corrected in Part 3.

Those four nasty errors have been finally corrected today for Part 3. Now I will order a few more copies, just in case I do a few more contests or what not. It may take another week or so to have them loaded up, as I am not sure as to the timeline for this.

Things have went into another standstill for my books. Part 3 is just idling away, and could fade into obscurity just as the other two had done in the past. How well Part 3 performs will truly indicate whether or not to complete Part 4, which is sitting halfway done on a thumb drive stashed away in the house somewhere.

Part 5 is still in my mind, and would be allot of fun. After those two novels, if I am ever lucky enough to complete them, I may write into different avenues of comedy, exploring peoples faults and how they people secretly perceive them, and then how it all unravels to produce a sudden change of sorts. Maybe like Scrooge, who knows..

But I am far from that point now, but I will keep everyone posted. The worst case scenario is to just give up and get on track to do other things. It is always an option, as Part 3 has topped off the series by in itself, very well. It can end there, as the perils will be hard to top, in Part 3 as compared to Part 4. I now believe Part 3 should have been Part 4, but I only knew this when halfway through Part 4. Maybe I can change the numbers on the cover pages later on... Anything can be done these days...

Well, time to go... The book world has paused for me again.. A great silent divide, between the canyon and the mountains.. Till next time...


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