Contest for Part 3 has done much better than I thought it would!

Everyone is much the same. You roll something out. Whether it is a renovation, a reparation on something you own, or even a contest. You try to gauge its cost, success, under runs or overruns. My contest that I had started on July 25th of this year was expected to garner 200 to 250 reads at the maximum. This was from the popular Goodreads site, where I had placed 2 contests up for Part 2, a year ago.

So you can imagine my surprise when I currently have 408 "want to read" out of an approximate 979 people joining up for a chance to win a book!  This is nearly a 40 % ratio from the total contest applicants. This is truly a surprising result for my own intuitive thinking.

I expected around 200 to 250 "want to reads", the reason being from the length of the contest. 3 months was the length of this contest, because it was a book that was in the process of being released. I will not get this chance again, unless another one of my future books is in the process of becoming published. Then you have to time it again, just before your book hits the book shops. Part 2, the contest was a month long and I only garnered 80 reads, from 650 approx. applicants for this contest. A 12 % total, as compared to a 40 % want to read from Part 3's contest.

No doubt, Part 3's cover and story line is possibly more appealing than the others. My wife tells me so, so I have to take it at face value...

408 "want to read", and the contest still has 11 hrs to go. This has been a super contest for me. Thanks to the contestants and Goodreads for making it possible.

Till next time..


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