New contest on Goodreads!

Part 3 has a brand spanking new contest on Goodreads.  It is doing alright so far, with 210 contestants entering in 2 and a half days. This is comparable to the first contest, only this contest is of a much shorter duration.

I am registering much less reads per contestants, as I do view most people from my past contests up there on the wall. Nearly deja vu. Much less readers, who wish to read my book.

I may just randomly go through the site myself, and just handpick some people to send some books to. I intend to buy some books next week, and just randomly give a few out to some people on Goodreads. This will get me some reviews, as I do not know otherwise how to do it fast and effectively. This is an option that was always stored in the back of my mind.

There are some authors who will often send free copies out to people on book sites in order to get some reviews. Maybe there are some who do have mailing lists, and just send them randomly like that. This is something that I have to look into more so than later.

Till next time...


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