Part 3 in the garage.

Part 3 is currently in the garage, for to fix the four obvious errors that were recently discussed a few blogs down. I will be probably waiting for its re release within approximately 2 weeks.

I walked through the local Walmart to see for fun, if my book did end up winding up on the shelves there. Of course, I knew it was not there before I even looked. I seen some beautiful books there, and some best sellers like "The Great Gatsby", "Dr. Seuss : Oh the Places you'll go", and the now famous "Duck Dynasty" series books.

No doubt, the great salespeople at Walmart know how to fill their prime shelf space with attractive books and big name sellers. Their online site is huge, and I can now see they are trying to get into the book niche where Amazon and the other big sellers are. They have a big advertising banner up there, so far, that says 40 % off. This is a huge competitor in the book market.

It should be interesting in the next few years, how other retailers will fare out against this incredible retail giant..

Perhaps a case of,  Supermarket Dominium, could be developing, per say..

Till next time..


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