Some hidden elements in my book.

There was some hidden elements in my books.. Here are just a few, to share...

For one, did any readers pick up on the "2012" employees of the Bargain Way. That was placed in there, as to start a thinking of a doomsday event. That may or not happen,  but as well, the year the book was created...

Part 2 does link up with Part 3,  with the comment of "Supermarket Dominium". A grander scale of things to come, perhaps.

Part 1, where his tossing of cans at the first of the book, and catching of one, comes in to factor later on in the book...

Oh my, there are allot of links, themes, for people, even high school students could ask their teachers to use as their English 111 material !!!

Have a great evening,  till next time....


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