How can you trust incoming calls anymore for business?

The other day, I got a call for life insurance from a reputable bank here in Canada. They offered it for 23 dollars a month, for a payout of 200 thousand if I should lose my life in an accident, if I remember correctly. And to make matters worse, the phone connection seemed of poor quality. Did they not see Jim Carreys movie, 23???

First, I picked up the phone from the number 416-581-8705. It began ringing on my end for a few seconds. Hello, I replied, once it stopped ringing. Then came the sales pitch for the insurance. I listened to what seemed like a 40 second spiel on what the insurance was all about. I asked if this was recorded. A womans voice responded on the other line, no, I read that off of a paper.

She said she is working for a Canadian Bank, and said she was giving this tremendous offer if I acted now.

I listened to the first few sentences of her speech. The cost, and amount of coverage in an accident. First answer, was that I was already covered.

I listened to the second few sentences of her speech. She reinforced her selling, by saying my family would be covered and such. Added feeling of security and such. I said no thanks.

I listened to the third few sentences of her speech. She really reinforced her selling, by saying this is a great offer and such and such. I said I already got the coverage, thanks and I do not want to waste your time.

She then closed off the conversation with a high pitch thank you. I think she was frustrated, a bit, by not turning over a sale. But a call like this, forcible persuasion, maybe alright to a young person, but to an elder person may be enough to sway them to take the insurance. Whether the service is good or bad, that is offered behind the phone. It sounded a little too forceful to me.

It is harder and harder to do any business over the phone, these days. That 416 number that came in. It is probably a Toronto number, but all it gives me is the number above. It could be scam artists, looking for birth date, mothers maiden name, and so on and so forth. We see this done, over the phone all the time. The worse ones are, the ones that are too good to be true. They are obviously scams. You have won a cruise to the Bahamas. You have one a trip to Florida, to Walt Disney Orlando!

We have to even wonder, about what we put on facebook and other sites like twitter. You, or your friends, can inadvertently place phone numbers, contact info, addresses, your birthday, your mother maybe your friend on there, lots of information for identity fraud.

I always wondered why an incredible amount of software companies ask for date of birth, and other personal information. Do they not know, that if their systems are not 100 % hacker proof (and they are not), why do they ask for such personal information. Because they are trying to be able to get you back into their system, if someone takes over your system. That is quite something.

Same as point cards. They do amass what you buy, what you like, so these point cards can create a profile of your buying habits.

No doubt, we live in an age of tell all, nothing is hidden. We post pictures on the internet, we post everything on the internet. This is all good and well, as long as the wrong people do not get at them. But, yet there is security in knowing that only 2 % of the American population has to deal with, Identity theft. Identity theft is a terrible thing to go through. Will this number increase or decrease over time, who knows. I think it will always be small.

No news on the book front, till next time..


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