Fall colors and Autumn winds bring about Change.

You can feel the wind of change, in the Autumn winds of fall. Leaves change their colors, and soon the land will be blanketed with a light blanket of snow.

There was no surprise that Romney and Obama would be tied, in the polls leading up to the US Presidential Election. I knew that Romney could gain the ground. Obama stumbled through the televised debate. On the good side for Obama, the jobless rate has declined. On the good side for Romney, his foreign policy appears stronger than the current administrations. Perhaps polling does not suggest the later, and perhaps the jobs are not coming as fast to areas of the United States as people would like.

The debate has, and will always have, a huge effect on the voting population. It can swing the voters Plus or Minus 6 % at times. Also, any huge issue, that comes up between now and then can do the same... A blurb, a hiccup, or a missed opportunity.. Can all produce vastly wild results..

I watched many elections, where the tide changed within 2 weeks of the race, and could never recover. We all seen this happen throughout history.

I will be watching the US elections. I love politics. I hope the best person wins, that will truly do the best, for their people, freedom, liberty, and democracy.

No news on the book front.. Save "The Supermarket Guy" campaign in full swing.. Tell your friends about it, and help me produce Part III.. Till next time....


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