One of the owners of Dog Ear Publishing

Yes,  I forgot to mention,  about Mr. Robinson.  How many companies,  can you actually talk to one of the owners when you got a problem or question?  Not too many,  right?  I e mailed Ray Robinson two or three times during the process of book publication.  And, I recieved a prompt e mail back within 8 to a 16 hour period of time.  I found this to be very considerate and thoughtful,  in a world where even today we have a hard time getting a hold of someone to take care of changes or an error in one of our monthly bills!

In that kind of avenue,  a certain kind of distance or respect must be maintained.  If I or others would abuse this e mail capability,  then perhaps he would then cut out the service.  Let the middlemen look after the problem,  afterall,  he is running a company that has produced close to two thousand books.  I think.

So, in ending, we must always only e mail the top dog whenever we have a major problem.  I know he has allot of responsibility and work to do to keep the company running.  Till then...


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