Happy Canada Day Tomorrow!

Tomorrow is July 1st,  Canada day,  and hopefully the weather will co operate with all of the festivities held across the country.  I think most Canadians can remember when it was just about the only holiday festivity we had in the summer months.  Now,  there is a festival celebration usually in each and every village in New Brunswick.  This is probably the same for everywhere throughout the world!  Which is good,  to get the people out and about and out of the house!

My favorite would be the beer festival in a little community in Bertrand, N.B.  Then in Caraquet, they have the wine festival,  an art festival, and then the Acadien festival to name a few.  In Bathurst,  their most famous hospitality days. Campbellton has their salmon festival,  but also celebrates Canada Day as well usually with fireworks.  We can only hope the weather will warm up a bit for all of these events.

As far as my book goes,  no progress really to report yet.  Same ole,  same ole...


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