Will check out Part 5 sometime this week.

 Part 5 is saved, on a drive, put away for a better day. I will go check, to see, if the memory stick is still in good shape, that it all reads well. Sometimes, magnetic storage or whatever we call it, may corrupt over time due to temperature, EMF interference, or water damage, connection problems, what not... So, It would be good for me to check it over. Nevertheless, it does not bode well for its production.

As I have spoken here, the last 8 years, has been a real tough time economically for myself personally. I did not, save oodles of cash, to produce this book. The cash, went elsewhere, a new sofa, repairs to this, repairs to that, new tires which cost 1000 dollars for other family members that I have to pay, the list, goes on and on... I had no raises in the last 4 years. Cost of living has gone up in Canada, due to the high printing of money by the federal government.

If Part 5 was to come out, I would have had to do awfully well, as placing near 12 000 to my bankrupt publisher for parts 1 to 3,  was a hard hit to take. All of these books are copyrighted, but, only Part 4 is available in E Book format as it stands today. Part 4, could be the best book I had ever produced. If Part 4 failed, then, I figured, nothing else would work for me. So far, nothing else has worked, and it just keeps Part 5 further, and further away from completion. 

To produce parts 1 to 3 again, to go through the same process, republishing is a long process, and costly. I would have to do very, very well economically, and now I have come to terms that that is just not going to happen. What I would do, is probably re open them, the files, and rewrite allot of those older novels, to add more material and body to them... Sort of like, cuts, from the films that are done today, but maybe added later on to a film for a different twist or a different feed of events to make things more intersecting further down the line of books. But, alas, it is not to be. The Book Puppeters were not good to me... So, stuck in the mud I am, waiting, for a little better outcome in the real race called life...  

Till next time...


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