Was this a Plandemic? I am on the fence about that one.
You have heard it all over the social media, people talking in groups, at work, ect, that this Covid 19 racket was a Plandemic. Was it. I am not sure. That billionaires, around the world, conspired, attaching strings to politicians and making them dance like puppets to perform their sociopathic aims. Depopulation, they say? World Control? People Tracking? That is what we are hearing from boots on the ground. I say, I did not start these rumors at all. Different video streaming sites, have started the whole deal. 1. Now, first off, the Wuhan Lab release of the Virus. I tend to believe that that was indeed funded, by the US Government, with funds diverted to this one or that one. I am 99 % convinced of that one... Now, whether it was for money to be made, it could have been, yes, you have to have Motive. So the motive was there. I do not believe they found the virus in the wet market after 80 000 tests on animals, nor in the bats. US Senators, some, believe it was ...