The soon to be aftermath of Forced Vaccinations and Mandates.

 Now, we are looking at the present and see many countries dropping their forced vaccine and passport mandates. In Canada,  here, we are seeing the 2 week duration of transports clogging and honking up the capital, which spread throughout the country and throughout the world. I am very proud of these blue collared truckers. They took on the government, the mandates, they risked and lost much financial gain to be had, to prove their point that they are tired of being pushed around. France, and Australia, where I believe it is very harsh there as well, are under heavy mandates that in my opinion are truly unfair.

When you restrict movement for freedom loving people, just because they refused a medical treatment, an injection, that is emergency use only ( Pfizers cormirnaty was approved but from what I was told is not being used!), that goes against every humane document from 1946 on in our democratic free world societies! And, a medical one, one where there is no insurance if something goes wrong with the shot. Sign a No Consent Form. Who would drive a car off of the lot without a Warranty,  so how could we think of taking a vaccine in our very own bodies without some form of liability protection from the big companies that produce their product?

I heard of the Open Vaers data on deaths and adverse reactions. Much of it was probably not reported. Approx 21000 dead, 1.2 million adverse reactions. The Data would be nearly the same or worse in Eurovaers. Ireland. UK. Anywhere in the world.

Now the Aftermath:

1. Big Media, a shift. Tens of Billions of dollars lost. Smaller Media Groups, gaining viewership and advertising dollars. Was it worth it for these big Media Giants to take the advertising dollars of big Pharma, and only look at one side of the story???

2. Vaccines-  Forever, destroying for decades possibly to come,  the trust in sound and safe vaccines as with the negative news coming from the other side of the equation due to VAERS data.

3. Fear created by mandates. Some people will develop phobias for life... Loneliness from becoming disconnected. Social phobia is hard to overcome.

4. Goverments will be mistrusted for a long, long time. This will create massive pushback on any more controls on life. 

5. Hospitilizations of future vaccine injuries. They say more cancers, more problems, in the future with those who have accepted the vaccine. This one, we hope is not true.

6. More elections will be possibly requested for judges, and less time for health and other officials in positions of high importance.  NO more empire builders.

7. The aftermath is not all bad. A newfound respect for the power of the Blue Collared workers, the little man, the truckers and the people who tried to bring back freedom and free choice into our lives again.

8. Businesses will wake up,  to finally realize, the costs of restricting a portion of the society ( 10 to 20%) of the unvaccinated and a good percentage of the vaccinated who just did not want to show a proof of vaccination to eat in a restaurant, for example... Admistration costs, Policing Costs, take away from what they should be doing. Police chasing crooks, not vaxx pass or vaxx mandate breakers, and tax money going to pay for schools, hospitals, roads,  not for tech and people to administer a stupid system. 

I am sure I could add a few points to this list, as it is only a small one. But that is the way I see it for now. Many politicians are going to die on their own sword over this insane time in our worlds history. Many Politicians will rise like a phoenix over their ashes...

Till next time...


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