Huge Multi Billion Dollar Companies have ties to other Real Billion Dollar Media outlets.

 Well. In reading The Real Dr. Fauci,  by Robert F Kennedy Jr,  you realize how Big Pharma has tentacles in the Health Agencies, the Media, and maybe even Government. So, as per this vaccine matter per say, when you see there is a patent on a drug,  money is to be made. As the book above pointed out,  when there is life saving drugs that already exist ( and were safely used for decades)  and no money to be made,  then,  people suffer. Deaths result. The People of Governments suffer, when control is exercised by economic tangles, and government tangles, media tangles, in stock purchases or any type of material investment into producing that thing that can make huge profit for a few, a vaccine in this case here, that can influence outcomes or government policy. Government policy that can cause  draconian results, such as isolation, depressions, mental health problems, sickness and death.

So, it appears,  threats are not only possible through other Countries that wish to attack us, or take control of our country. Those are the obvious threaths. The Stealthy threats are now prevalent through the purchasing of stock by big companies, such as pharma ( we can list other companies as well),  to cause control of other media, other politicians, other companies,  to influence how they act on opposing views and maybe the truth. Stealth Control of the population can happen anywhere.

Robert F Kennedy Jrs book has delved into an important new threat to society. Control by stealth. Control by stealth, is not easily found out by the average citizen like me and you. Because, we have working jobs, we have families, we have no time to do much investigating. We are lucky to have, people watching these affairs in different regions of the world. Huge companies, multi billion dollar companies, that have conflict of interest in Media, Private Health Systems, Government Health Industries,  and in some cases which is harder to prove, connections to elected government officials. There is no doubt, I have heard of Prime Ministers, political elected leaders in many countries, possibly receiving some sort of benefit from the sale of a drug, or a vaccine. This is totally incomprehensible, even how the legal system can even go against the consent of an individual, to be forced to take a vaccine, with no protection in losing his job, his livelihood, or his going to enjoy an evening at a theatre or restaurant for instance. How dare we, shame someone into doing something they do not feel it is right to be done to their bodies. What is going on with our society. It is undoubtedly, a thing called fear, and the "I got to survive" mentality,  over your very own level of comfort. This sets a bad precedence.

How can we correct this?  The judicial system, perhaps clearer laws enacted to protect the individual against bodily intrusion, and elected judges? Appointed judges by political parties, that system has to go. I would even say, a Senate system,  should not be a party based system. It should be an independent of politics, based system, but that is hard to do. The Senate of any country, should be made up of teachers, lawyers, working men and women, ect, that do not carry any political stripe, do not owe any political party anything. This can serve as an oversight,  to the political parties in the house or congress, of course... But,  that will take a huge amount of work, and I believe that would never be done.

So, how do we clean up the conflicts of interest. How do we stop, censoring, which should be illegal. These are peoples ideas, for Petes Sake. Disagreements, must be allowed, long as the other person does not burn down the village. How do we get 2 sides of the story,  and decide on our own,  who is right, who is wrong. Censoring always leads to, disfunction, distrust, of the populace eventually against the ruling party. Censoring, eventually leads to revolutions. Censoring, could bring in a communist government in the end, such as a Fidel Castro type movement that may clean things up, but later on, things can get worse for the populace later on as well.  A revolution of people, a social revolution, that believes in democracy, is not a bad thing. This has happened in areas in Eastern Europe on the Soviet Unions Demise. These things, do clean out,  the dirty laundry and democracy and freedom can flourish again,  as long as systems work independent of each other.

Making systems work,  independent of each other,  is the real key to avoiding censorship. It is the real key, to protecting the individual against tyranny. Well, it is up to the citizen, we the people, on how to ensure that debate and thought should always be free, even if it hurts us. Even if it makes us feel bad, on what the other side is saying about me or you or us. We should be big people. We should handle it. We must end Stealth Control.

Till next time.


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