Was this a Plandemic? I am on the fence about that one.

 You have heard it all over the social media, people talking in groups, at work, ect, that this Covid 19 racket was a Plandemic. Was it. I am not sure. That billionaires, around the world, conspired, attaching strings to politicians and making them dance like puppets to perform their sociopathic aims. 

Depopulation, they say? World Control?  People Tracking? That is what we are hearing from boots on the ground. I say, I did not start these rumors at all. Different video streaming sites, have started the whole deal.

1. Now,  first off, the Wuhan Lab release of the Virus. I tend to believe that that was indeed funded, by the US Government, with funds diverted to this one or that one. I am 99 % convinced of that one... Now, whether it was for money to be made, it could have been, yes, you have to have Motive. So the motive was there. I do not believe they found the virus in the wet market after 80 000 tests on animals, nor in the bats. US Senators, some, believe it was gain of function. I tend to believe that, near 100 %.

2. How did all World Governments, or major ones,  ALL WANT a Vaccine Passport system. Or, did just one Governments wanting of the system, or 2, cause the rest of the Dominoes to fall in line... This, is a little more, in the range of a 50 % not sure.  The World Economic Forum, other world forums, where world leaders and big shakers discuss policies, we would think would be in the Good Interests of the World and of the People. We would think they would want to push a health agenda on their citizens, and a free, prosperous one.  I am still on the fence about this one. But, as I have said earlier, a Vaccine Pass system is a waste of resources, taxpayers money, policing ( the police have better things to do), Government has better things to do than getting Bigger, no, this vaccine passports is definitely an ailment to any economy. I would have thought, Airlines, would have stomped that idea down pretty fast. It certainly has to go, and why would they want to track people at each and every place they go? There are never enough resources to check on that stuff, and it makes absolutely no sense. But, privacy is an issue with the Vaccine Passport, why would you want to tell any Government Agency where you go to eat all the time, and at what precise time. Makes no sense. Still on the fence about this one,  and believe rather, vaccine passes are temporary measure, as we see they are falling all over the world. Also, to Divide People, to make them, the non vaccinated, not enjoy the same privileges we enjoy, only creates huge Suspicions and will only cause havoc somewhere down the road, maybe even Terrorism.

3. The vaccines cause harm. Well, I am 100 % on that side of that fence. I do not believe they contain Graphite. Perhaps, a few batches, were constructed too fast. Maybe, several batches, caused significant harm. Yet, the US Vaers System, the EU Vaers system, and people who I talk with, we all know of many adverse reactions and deaths from the vaccine, 3 million adverse reactions in EU? 34 000 deaths? 1.4 million adverse reactions in the USA, 21 000 deaths approx. These are all approximate numbers, and you can go into each and every country, and see high deaths and adverse reactions, more so than the total of all the past vaccines ever created. Problem here. 

Now, the conspiracy theorists claim, the vaccines were made that way. To miam, to kill.  Now, this is harder to give a 100 % of thought to that side, to claim yes. I do not think, I would not like to think, heads of corporations, would be so stupid to want to harm anyone with their product. And, to think, how would they get away with it in the end. There is no getting away from evidence, or proof. For the moment, I do not believe it was a concocted plan to kill or miam people, or to depopulate. For now, I believe it was to make money and to try to really push Covid numbers down. I do believe the vaccines did not work as planned. To last for only a few months,  is ridiculous. 

4. Natural Immunity. Free speech, from the scientists who are called quack?  The natural immunity, if you caught covid, you should not need any shot. I believe 100 % in that. Why are they suppressing, the conversations of others, who have different ideas and treatments ( ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, fluvoxamine, ect) that could have saved many, many lives. It does not look good. This is here, where I stumble allot in the thinking process. It all leads to dirty tricks played, and it does not look good, on top health officials, and it does look like a networking sort of system throughout the developped world. Here, it does appear, dollar signs ruled thought on extinguishing action on other modes of remedy.

 Those are the 4 main points, that we all talked about, all heard about from people on the street. There are a few more, but, those are the main items. If it was a plandemic,  it was very poorly planned. A failure, in my view. When people can obviously see, effects, causation, links, to the plan, then it is not a plan. It is pure failure. It does more to detriment peoples faith in government, big Pharma, world leaders, for decades to come...

Till next time....


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