Neighbor came over discussing 666 mark of the beast!

I was outside shovelling snow, when a neighbor seen me and came over to interrupt my shovelling. We began talking about borders and such, and new security things that were popping up everywhere, mostly in the form of biometric scanning.

We know certain companies have pay systems that have finger print scans... Some companies now have hand scanners, either for tickets for themeparks or entry into workplaces...

Then the debate came as he said perhaps it is 666, or the mark of the beast...

Well, I thought about it for a bit... I had read the bible when I was very young, and remembered a bit about it. I had not went to church now for a good year and a half due to my own personal problems at home... No time on my hands, actually to do anything... So I am no better than anyone else out there, that is for sure...

I replied that I was thinking that those hand scanners and finger print jobbies, are just like taking X rays at the hospital. I did not believe that we were there yet, and many different companies have the systems running through many different applications ( more companies have it, the less secure it could be for one useage such as payment methods), so I dismissed it all as it is not here yet..

But he did follow up on my comments that it does pave the way for it in the future, where a stamp, barcode, or a chip could be placed on your right hand or forehead...

I said, yes, it does pave the way for it someday to happen... When, we do not know... A place where governments probably will combine together, and control will be centralized more than ever...

All in all, it was very interesting how the Bible today - 99 % has not changed from those 300 BC dead sea scrolls, had something in Revelation that could be very much relevant in the future... And plainly written in black and white... Cannot buy or sell anything without the mark...

And of course, it takes a combined religious and political force to take it to task... A huge one, as todays freedoms and liberties, peoples charters, and countries laws, would never allow this to happen.. Unless changed in the future by dictatorships or autocracies...

Did it already happen- Roman Empire, Nazi Germany? Some people say it did, but where or what was the mark of the beast back then? Has humanity learned enough from those times as to not oppress another religion or people, race or community? Not sure as we still see crazy things going on right now.

We left the debate at that, probably believing that it could, perhaps could, probably happen at another time in the distant future...

Very interesting, especially with technology developping the way it is to track everything we do... Well, we will see what the future holds...

Till next time...


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