10 cents per liter or 50 air miles?

Was at a grocery store tonight, picking up some items that we had forgotten about during the weekly supermarket visit. The lady asked me for my air miles card. She scanned it through. Then, she quickly showed me two coupons which led to an either or question.

"Sir, would you like 10 cents per liter off of your gas or 50 air miles added onto your card?"

I thought about it within a second, and replied.

"Let's just pretend my wife is not here, and lets take the 10 cent per liter gas coupon"

Laughter erupted just alongside me, as a women in her mid 50's began to laugh.

She said "That is so funny. Let's just pretend your wife is not here, that tone of voice you used"

Well, the lady and the cashier began to laugh hysterically.

I decided to explain "Well, it makes for a shorter trip when she leaves on the plane with her and her friends" I cajoled.

"For once I want something for my truck, she is not here so I can get a little bit back too!"

The two ladies continued to giggle. The cashier then spoke within her laughter "You also get 10 dollars off your grocery purchase, since you bought over a certain amount"

I smiled and explained "That is even better. For once the man gets the bonus, good thing she is not here to see it!"

They continued on laughing. And once I got to the door, the sensors started beeping. An item that was not scanned properly did not go through. They were still laughing, to my surprise, at the cash. The cashier came down smiling all the way, and said giggling "I know what is the problem" she passed the item through the scan.

I replied "Well, I thought I was making off with something" and that was it.

Strange how things go. I did not think I was very funny at all... But they sure could not stop laughing at my few seconds of spiel... You just never know...

Till next time.


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