The Fury of the Climate Changer-  The front cover.

Well, it pretty much describes everything the main character has to escape. Seering heat, heavy snowfall, tornadoes, and heavy rains just to be general... But it adds to much more than that...

The main protaganist spreading his legs over a fission in the earths crust, with the main villian scoring a slam dunk in his newfound sport of choice... The good guys scientist with the black curly locks, and the villians scientist with the bald head running to help... The villians muscular built son firing bullets in rebellion... A goat? Maybe it is a goat, and it too has a major part to play...

That big building in the back is a high security prison... Fires, floods, and snowfalls that amount to avalanches...  That rust bucket of a rocket in the sky, plays a major roll also...

The main character, half of his body is reddened by the hot sun.. Sun tan... The villians skin, partly green.. Well... Something chemical is going on?  And, that platter serving that feathered ball of sorts... Looks delicious!

Well, that is how I do my covers. I do them up myself, and it may not be pretty to most, but it is all about what is inside of the book that brings it out towards the front page...

Read the Fury of the Climate Changer to find out more....


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