Part 4 cover being assessed for go ahead.

Part 4's cover is being assessed for go ahead. Checking DPI, seeing what quality we got with it, and if the design department will not charge me an arm and a leg for a front cover that I totally drew out and designed...

We will see how it goes. So far bad luck has been with me on this journey for creating Part 4. Still finding very little time to complete, Canadian Dollar low, a book cover where I had to go to a second copying spot to get the right DPI count... After the first told me it was over 300, but was only 90...

I nearly felt like giving up this week and just throwing in the towel. It may still happen, as the process has not been committed to as of yet.

And as self publishing people, we mostly do it because of a sort of self gratification-  95 % of us are not going to sell, enough to even cover the cost of production, in my opinion...

This should be the last book. But I said that with the last one too... Well, just maybe this will be the last one... Just maybe.. If I can make it to the finish line in a cost efficient manner....

Till next time.


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