50 % of Part 4 corrections 1 st draft completed.
The Supermarket Guy 4 has now 50 % of the main body completed. This book will surpass the 308 pages of Part 3, easily.
I have been finding some errors in the story, such as where one part does not link up with the other part. This is what happens when writing every so often, while taking long breaks in between. You get lost in what happened several pages ago, and now in the correction stages, I need to continue to keep my mind fresh on what is going on in the text. Too long of a break in between of editing, can mean I will miss some broken links in the main text. Hopefully I will not be too busy in the coming months ahead.
I am also trying not to correct too many pages in one sitting. I find the results are worse, and I do get fatigued easily, which leads me to rush through the text and make more errors. I do correct around 5 to 10 pages a day, and that is it.
I project being finished of the corrections in a month or two. After that, I will look for a good editor, and try the least expensive route to publish. If I do make it that far.
I will keep you all updated, till next time.
I have been finding some errors in the story, such as where one part does not link up with the other part. This is what happens when writing every so often, while taking long breaks in between. You get lost in what happened several pages ago, and now in the correction stages, I need to continue to keep my mind fresh on what is going on in the text. Too long of a break in between of editing, can mean I will miss some broken links in the main text. Hopefully I will not be too busy in the coming months ahead.
I am also trying not to correct too many pages in one sitting. I find the results are worse, and I do get fatigued easily, which leads me to rush through the text and make more errors. I do correct around 5 to 10 pages a day, and that is it.
I project being finished of the corrections in a month or two. After that, I will look for a good editor, and try the least expensive route to publish. If I do make it that far.
I will keep you all updated, till next time.