Went to Miscou Island today.

Went on a trip to Miscou Island today. There we went to a government beach, that had change rooms and outside showers.  The water was warm, and the beach is sandy. It could be, one of the nicest beaches in New Brunswick. Kouchibougac Parc in New Brunswick has nice beaches, as well as the Bouctouche area, and of course Shediac, "The Lobster Capital of the World".

On the trip to Miscou, you travel through nice towns like Shippagan, where you drive past rows upon rows of crab fishing boats. From there, you pass over a small bridge that opens up for the boats during fishing season at times. They head out to the Gulf of St Lawrence in hunt for deep sea crab. After passing by the fishing boats, you head towards the little island of Lameque. On the island, there are many beaches as well on both sides.  Once again, fish plants dot the area, with many small area fishing wharves here and there.  Also, the wind turbines are seen from the main road going through Lameque to Miscou island.  There are quite a few peat moss operations in place, as the area is rich and abundant in peat.

You can eat seafood pizza at the Petit Mousse as you just head into the island, or head towards Miscou and try out a lobster roll or muscles. Very good food, and a spectacular view of the Baie of Chaleur and the Gulf of St Lawrence.  Not to forget the famous light house at the tip of Miscou Island. Climb to the top, and check out the surrounding area.

Not much news to report on the book front. Till next time...


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