Thinking of Publishing and Bears!

Hi to all my viewers!

I have been gone to Kouchibougac National Park for a little while. There, I walked many miles, contemplating creating "The Supermarket Guy : Book of poems". The main characters contemplation on his thoughts throughout his life in general. I was going to publish this one, just for fun. But, then I realized I have not one true litmus test of book reviews for Part 1 or Part 2.

One person from work rated it 5 on 5. That is how she truly felt, about my book. I asked her if it was true, and she really said she really liked the book. I have a few others ready to read the book. 43 to be exact, so far, and am waiting for their reviews.

While at the Park, I seen a bear. I could only see its head, side view, from the cover of the evergreens that surrounded it. I then anxiously told my friend, quick, come here check out the bear! Once my friend shrieked, the bear took off fast in the woods. We seen it gallop towards the deep spruce and cover of the deep green background, safely away from us. My dog was with me also, as I figured bears were scared of dogs... But, the expression on my friends face, will last a lifetime. The sheer shock, nervousness, and utter helplessness of seeing the bear. Geesh, it is only a black bear!

It is not the first time, I seen bears. One time walking in towards an opening towards a field, I seen a mother and its cub midway 600 ft away from me. The mother stood on its feet, then darted the other way with the cub. I kept going on my own way. I would only, be scared of getting in the middle area of a cub and its mother. Then, the bear would attack... No doubt. I seen it chase one of my uncles in a vehicle, one time... Time to buy some bear spray.. Till next time..


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