Tomorrow contest will be released!

I am glad to say, that the Goodreads staff will release my contest tomorrow. As said before in previous blogs, it will have more of an international flavor.

The Philippines, Japan, Russia, Spain, and other countries will have a chance to win an autographed copy of "The Supermarket Guy 2: Rise of the Market Overlord"

This will be interesting, to see if I can even come close to beating the 411 contestants I had for the first contest I had on Goodreads. It was only open to residents of the USA and Canada at that time, due to the fact that I was just testing the waters. I was unsure as to the cost of the mailing and such, but it was not as bad as what I first perceived.

I was thinking of publishing "The Supermarket Guy" book of poems, but I have to do allot of convincing to the wife, to pour more money into something that has not seen much returns, as of late... Maybe if i drop have of my beer drinking, I could pull it off.. Nah..

Have a good day, till next time...


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