Two of my friends gone to the Antiques Roadshow.

Two of my friends are gone to the International auction. It is like an antique roadshow. Well, it probably is a roadshow of some sorts. It was advertised as "We buy" Jewelry, coins, artwork, and everything in Gold and Silver.

A 50 cent Canadian piece can fetch up to 25 000 $. A 1 $ Canadian coin, from 1948, 800 $.  Hockey cards, sport cards, ancient toys, and trophies. If you can bring it in, they will appraise it, and offer you a price. They are swinging through several cities in N.B., over the next few days.

I always wondered about these ads. This was a 3 page ad, spread over a provincial news paper (French) a little while ago. I know, the British Antique Roadshow is coming to Saint John on Saturday.

Here is the dilemma. Should a person take the first offer by the first auction. Or, wait, and check on the internet the news on the item as how it was identified by the appraiser. Then, should a person wait, and check with the other show that is coming to town.

I am not sure, what my friend will do. She has two paintings, and they were done in the 1940s. Artist was, unknown. It maybe difficult, to find the artist. It is a process, that may take a good while. I know that I would wait it out, and find out as much information on the paintings as I could, before I made my decision. Selling too fast, sometimes, arises in a missed opportunity. But, as treasures of these never get old enough, for the value to go up, why not hold on.

I got the first pass of my book today. I need to look over it, diligently. I will be busy the next 3 days, which is unfortunate. Rise of the Market Overlord, has to wait, due to my real day job. Have a great day, till next time...


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