Ride lawn mower damaged in transit.

My ride lawn mower was damaged in transit, while arriving at the store here in Bathurst. They called and apologized for the inconvenience, and mentioned that I should make sure when paying that I should get the same sale price. These things happen, and long as they are worked out in a manner where I get a new crate that is not opened or banged up, I will still be a happy camper.

I think, everyone has a right to see their box untouched. I bought a TV at Walmart awhile back. The box was banged and ripped on one side of the box. I seen it, and mentioned it to the staff. One of the workers added "There is still foam around the TV". In my opinion, if they want me to take the box with the rip in it the size of my fist, they should give me a rebate. And still give me the warranty. No one likes to travel back, and pick up a new TV set should the first set not light up. With sensitive electronics, and marked fragile on the side, I take no chances. I asked for a new box. And, they brought it out.

This is the second time in the last few weeks, that I had problems getting my purchased equipment. I remember my parents getting a stove with a dent on the side. They did not notice until it was in place. My mother called up the seller, and relayed the information. They sent a salesperson, and agreed. They gave my mother a hundred dollars off the oven. Where the oven was placed, against a corner wall, you could not hardly see the dent.

It is good to talk, when purchasing things. We all deserve, top quality. You work hard for your money. Don't be satisfied for second best, because you are not. It is not us making millions of dollars off of these sales. They are, so we expect good packaging and a good product.

Besides that, I sold an E book and 3 books at the local bookstore here. The traffic is slow, so this is good news. Not much else to report. The sun is shining in Northern NB, and I believe the weather will be  plus 7 C with mild winds. The rest of the snow will probably go within the next week or so.  Have a good day, till next time.


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