Easter suppers gone and past.

I remember my mother, with the old black roaster, cooking whatever the main meal on the holidays. A turkey, ham, or chicken. She would cook for a gang of 10 or 12 at times, when things were really hopping. Even on the non holidays, in the summer months.

The last few years she could not cook, as her arthritis got the better of her. This year was our job. We expected 4 extra people at the table this year. Reports came from mother, that two people were coming over from her side. My wife told me, that perhaps two people from her side would be coming over. We cooked two big chickens in one huge Paderno roaster. 5 hours long, maybe a little less, until they were golden brown on top. Potatoes, salad, and carrots. And a maple sugar pie to boot, with whipped cream on top.

The two people from Moms' side did not come up. Now she says they will be there today. We left her enough left overs, to do the trick if they wanted hot chicken sandwiches. The other two people on my wifes side, did not come up, due to the weather. We did not push them to come up, as we were afraid they would get into an accident on the long hour plus drive here. Not worth it, over a hot delicious meal! Hum... No it is not worth it, if roads are slippery and treacherous...  Now we got chicken coming out of the gills.

We always cooked too much during the holidays. Always freezing, and saving for later. Or cooking it up right away the next day. We are very lucky, to live in a country where we can do such a thing. We must always be thankful to the big guy upstairs.

I know this blog is getting a little dry, as of late, I have been having a hard time getting topics for conversation. It must be a sort of writers blog block. The only other thing to report, is that Thomas Kincade has died. He was known as the painter of light, for the light he did put into his paintings. Below is the link. He was a great painter, one of those whose paintings struck a beat with fans, but not with the artistic elite. His painting, 'Christmas in New York',  does leave one with a special feeling of magic during the holidays.


No news on the book front. All is as what it was. Till next time...


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