A rainy Remembrance Day.

The rain is coming down strong in Northern New Brunswick today.  I imagine all of the Remembrance Day ceremonies will be held inside,  under the cover of Legions, and School Gymnasiums. I will go visit my father today, to maybe watch the celebration on Parliament hill.  I think the weather maybe good up there in Ontario today.

Besides that, I found still some media releases coming out for my book. This is surprising, as the media releases were done several months ago.

I have found 2 new Media Releases in October. I found 3 more today, with my book advertised on X-mencomics.com, ebuyjewelry, and a dutch European site translated as Tasty Chicks.... All of these media releases, I had no absolute idea where they continue to come from or how they got where they are still going.

I am assuming two things. One, that Dog Ear is still promoting the books a little on the side. They know I have a part 2, and 2 other books in the work. It is in their best interests that the book actually sells, as to produce several other books through their company is bonuses all around.  Second, I believe my friend at work is advertising for me, as the slogan "The Supermarket Guy by Daren Doucet" was found as a reference on a Jewelry page on ebuyjewelry.  A short slogan like that, tells me, he may have put it up on there. As he continues to kindly advertise for me.

All in all, it is important to have a moment of silence today for our great War Veterans. We should all take a moment to reflect, to think about, and to be thankful for. And, on a different note, we should all sometime take a few minutes or an hour out of a day in the week to see a lonely veteran, or to talk to an aging senior. It can only bring some wonderful and great stories into our lives as well, about the old ways of life.  Till then..


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