Electricians here to wire garage.

Electrical hourly rates for electricians today, 55 dollars per hour for one, 85 dollars per hour for two. Very expensive hourly rate. But, it is what they all charge, or some charge even more than that. Two came today for this job, and I suspect an 8 hour job, if I leave them go that far. We always hope we get good contractors for to do the job, and we sometimes get some really good ones and sometimes we get some of the other kind.

Nothing new on the book front. Everything is silent, as usual. Too quiet. They e mailed me back on the Freado game site for my book.  They said I need to join Book Buzzer Author Pro at a subscription at 9 dollars a month, to get my books on their website for to win at a game.  They have a QuizPro technology, where they can market your book through Facebook in a viral manner.  I am not sure if, I want to go through this route, especially when I thought giving the books to them free on their site meant people were happy all around. I will decide in the near future. As for now, I am stuck in the mud.  Have a great day, till next time...


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