Sending book out for a review soon.

It appears my book will be going out for a review soon.  It may even go into the major papers in the province,  if things go well.

Today is Acadian day in New Brunswick.  Happy festivities to all!  The weather will be partly sunny and rain,  so I am not sure how the festivities will go.  They actually have money prizes in Caraquet,  for the best dressed costumes.  It is a fun time,  and the street is packed.

Just got off of my night shift,  and am exhuasted.  I may do a color scheme for my new book title,  The Supermarket Guy 2:  Rise of The Market Overlord,  very soon.  I photocopied several pages as to try a few different things.  I got word from people down south that my posters, post cards, were in display at some of the bookstores down south.  This is great news,  as I figured some of them may end up as paper airplanes or as post it notes for readers who go through there.  But,  it appears they are doing what they were exposed to do.  Get people to glance at something that is difficult to find.

Time for a nap,  my processor is skipping a few magnetic storage every so often.  Till then...


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