Get a drive when you drink and fall down the stairs.

I would never drive home drunk.  A friends wife drove me home,  as I was feeling  no pain after putting up our 20 foot in the air moose scaffold....No,  I would not drive home comatose in a state that I was in.  Talk about a big job.  I was full of sweat from my head to my toes.

Sure, there was moose shit on the other side of the river.  Sure,  there was moose trails and lay down areas for mooose ( grass bent down in a flat area) for areas around our scaffold.  Good thing I got a GPS,  or I would be lost in the woods for a good while.  

My book is doing good so far with everyone wanting a free copy.  Just kidding..  Actually,  most of my friends and relatives want to read it and pay full price.  I did not want to charge full price, only cost plus HsT.

HST is the harmonized sales tax in Canada.  Enough said.  Till then.... Love you all!!!


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