Mr Beast Feastables vs Jersey Milk ( milk chocolate bar personal taste test)

 Well, the Mr. Beast Feastable Bars have hit New Brunswick. Some bars assortment I have seen, is dark, milk chocolate, peanut butter, and crispy. I have not tried the crispy yet. But, Mr. Beast, the Youtube Phenom, has, indeed, brought a commanding chocolate bar to the market. It is a competing bar to the already existing brands out there. Now, I tried, the Jersey Milk ( Neilson) which is my preferred Milk Chocolate Bar, since I was a kid. I personally found ( this is my taste buds and yours may tell a different story), that the Jersey Milk was better than the Beast Bar Feastables Chocolate bar ( both bars nearly have the same ingredients, so if you read the back wrapper). But, Jersey Milk has perfected it, for a long, long time. But, The Feastable Beast Milk Chololate bar is close in flavor to it. But, once again, that is only my taste buds talking to myself. Yours may say something different. Jersey Milk is hard to beat, because, they got a tried tested formula.

But, from one takeaway, from all of this, is the Mr. Beast Peanut Butter Chocolate Bar. You talk about WOW. And, once again, it is only my taste buds, but, it could be the best chocolate bar ever! Why. Because, it has soft peanut butter inside this bar! It is a bar, worthy, of hiding from your family, cause they will gobble it up! I am thinking, Reese will be worried. Reese is a great Peanut Butter Cup and Chocolate Peanut Butter Company, but, this Mr. Beast Feastables peanut butter Chocolate bar, will have them shaking in their boots. All I have to say is, Wow, What a bar! My taste buds say ( and yours are different so do not take me for being right), but, I am thinking the Mr. Beast Chocolate Peanut Butter Bar is the Best, Ever... Grab one and you decide for yourselves!!!! 


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