Christmas 2023 and a New Year 2024! What is in store?

 I see the amount of clicks on my blog, and say, cannot leave it at that... Without wishing all a prosperous, and merry, 2024!  And a Merry Christmas to all!  And it does not matter what religion you are. If you read the text of Christ, you will know, all he wanted to do was to help people in need. He did not weld a sword in his hand. Peace was his mantra. His cloak. 

So, to all who have visited here, when times were down for me over the last 8 yrs or so, thank you. Big one.

Part 5, could have been produced, long ago. I may, look at the files again, to see how everything is. Maybe, in the next few weeks, it could be produced. I have had a little better good luck, in the past little while... Things have cooled down, so to speak.

I realize, how starving artists, have a hard time to get their productions out into the open. We live in a money driven society. Money, drives, everything, and, we do not like to see ourselves go short either for major things in the homestead. Things that may break, we like to have a backup supply as well, as Momma said, God, rest her soul!

So, perhaps the upcoming weeks, you may see a Part 5. Another gruelling experience, of "Oh, your book cover does not match or works with our template..."  Another "You sure you do not want to get it edited?"

Self publishing is tough. It costs money. I think, as I may have said earlier, I may have been 30 or 40 years behind my time... If I were to release my books in 1970s or 80s, I think, I would have done well... So many millions of releases at the same time... Good luck, as the say...  Good luck!

Merry Christmas to all!


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