Merry Christmas and hope for a better 2021!

 Really sad to say 2020 was a bad year. We can remember the war years of 1939 to 45,  and 1914 to 1918 the First World Wars that are closer to our Generation, because we heard of stories from our Fathers and Grandfathers who are probably for most of us, past away.

But, we can take some good things,  even those who went to War, perhaps a few good memories from the incredible bad. Perhaps some lessons, perhaps we take some advice,  perhaps we take some reflection, or something.

This was the year for myself, where everything fell apart. My books, the Coronavirus ( for all of us), and then other news which may not go our way not too close in the future.

At any regard, no matter how hard things get,  we have to stay positive, keep the chin up, and be thankful for the gift of life, be thankful for friends, be thankful for every little thing that we sometimes take for granted.

I want to wish you all, a Very, Merry, Christmas...


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