The Fall of a Humor Series - Publisher gone out of business perhaps...

 I have been trying to get a hold of the publishing company,  for parts 1, 2 & 3 of  The Supermarket Guy. When the Supermarket Guy had been initially realized,  I had thought I had well thought out everything. I heard only good things about the publisher,  but it appears,  that maybe,  maybe,  they maybe out of business.

Due to the Pandemic?  Due to an over competitive market?  Not sure. I cannot comment a great deal on it, but I have been hearing some bad news.

So,  no website. No phone.  Maybe no address.  I did send out some messages,  but will see what happens.

What does this mean for Part 5. Part 5 was exposed to be out a year ago,  as you all know. But, the bad luck I have been having,  with no revenues,  made in the series,  has put it on the backburner. Also,  lack of time in my busy personal life,  has put it on the shelf as well.

I need to sort out this affair with the first 3 parts.  Part 4 is with Bookbaby,  so I am assuming that one is safe for now. 

Anyone who has a part 1, 2, or 3,  may have a rare, book in antiquity. It may go up in value,  over time,  but, maybe not... With the old publishers name on it,  of course...  I looked on lately,  and seen very little of sales outlets for my books,  telling me the publisher must be having difficulty of some sorts...

I apologize for this. I am not sure if I can get parts 1, 2, or 3 back in circulation either.

Oh well.. Just my luck...  But,  we need to keep on trucking... Remember, we all hit hard times sometimes in our lives.... We need to keep on,  trucking.


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