First round of spell check complete!

First round of spell check complete. Took an hour or two to get this done. Need to do it two extra times. Then read, read it again, add, subtract text perhaps in some places where the drama appears to be lacking. Names, trying to get the spelling right.

The very end, I feel I need to add a small amount of humor there. A small paragraph, but of course it can do without. The text can be left the way it is, but it should be humorous throughout. I will send this one in to some humor competitions as well. The other volumes maybe entered as well, as some competitions do accept work from multiple years.

The book cover. Draw out another. A few sketches. Has to be odd, funny, crazy. Has to be better than the last. We will see. I usually always put a scene taken from the book. Sort of. But, the characters just simply placed on the front of the book will say it all. A human relationship that appears to be out of whack, or just failing.

Continue on? I was really fatigued after going through the first spell check. I do not know how some people can go on all day and work on their first drafts. I am tired of looking at a computer screen for an hour or two. Need to rest. Just wanted to jot down, send out the message, that Part 5 is headed towards publication.  The worst is the grammer, proofreading for myself personally. A book cover does not take that long to make, in my mind it is saved, so far.

Till next time...


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